What people don’t tell you about the Naplex


I wish,

I could tell you that  you could skip the struggle that comes with studying for the Naplex. But unless you have a photographic memory or the Naplex test, there’s no skipping the struggle doc! It’s part of the journey. I also forgot to add working and juggling family obligations while studying for the Naplex on the list too 😩

Don't let anyone fool you, your PharmD to RPh journey is not a walk in the park. However, it is a short-term sacrifice for a long-term reward. 👩🏽‍⚕️👨🏻‍⚕️ People won’t understand why you can’t be at every event, why you can’t be available during the day, why you can’t talk on the phone, but they will a couple of weeks or months from now.

Everyone wants you “to take the Naplex already” because to them it shouldn’t be that hard after 4 years of pharmacy school. But the truth is, the Naplex is hard! It’s draining and can be a longer than expected process without the right preparation. 

How many times have you… 

😔 Delayed studying a chapter for next time because you felt you couldn’t study the information?

😔 Sat down to study and you look up 2 hours have passed?

😔 Sabotaged your own study session by not focusing on the task at hand?

😔 Thought to yourself “I don’t know where to start studying for this exam”?

😔 Had an unproductive study day because you were overwhelmed with the amount of information you had to study?

Too many, right?

This was me too until I began dreaming again….. dreaming of what my life would become. I want to share a video with you that speaks volumes about vision. I thought I was designing a website…Little did not that I’ll be manifesting my life.

So doc, I want you to do the same today.

Close your eyes for a moment, and visualize yourself practicing as a pharmacist. Not just a job, but at the clinical setting your heart desires. Once you have the vision, think about who you ARE in that moment.

✅How does that person think?

✅How does that person move?

✅What action does that person take?

Get out of your own way RIGHT NOW so you can get on the path to the abundance you desire. Remember the life you dreamed is possible. Purchase the Study Smarter, Not Harder: Naplex Training Series.

If you are want to,

💡Push past your fear of the Naplex

💡Increase your productivity

💡Create a strategic Naplex study plan

Dr. LaQuita Johnson, PharmD, MPH

I’m a Naplex Success Strategist and Public Health Consultant Pharmacist. I help pharmacists enhance their Naplex performance with ease. 


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