Set the rules for YOUR week


During a few strategy calls last week, I received questions regarding having a Monday to Friday study schedule. Some pharmacists were aiming for a 5 or 6 day study week while others were trying to fit everything in between Monday and Friday. But feel themselves lacking motivation by Thursday. Well doc, guest what?

YOU set the rules in YOUR career

How about that? Before my mother passed, I worked 7 days a week. Now understand, not every day was a full 8 hours or even 6. However, nowadays, my work week just flows.  My number one objective is to complete all my weekly goals. I don’t necessarily care about the time or how many days a week I work.  The question I ask myself… Did you complete the goal?

One thing that has helped achieve my goals is theming my days.

  • Selfcare Sundays

    • This is the time where I recharge. I’m in my garden or having a girl’s wine and sip. Because I’m relaxing on this day, I know that no work will be done. 

  • Make It Happen Mondays 

    • On Monday’s, I like to set the tone for my week. Eighty percent of my time is spent on working completing the goals for the week. Twenty percent of my time is spent on administrative related tasks and responding to emails (since I unplugged from social media and my email over the weekend). 

  • Talkative Tuesdays

    • Literally the name says it all. This is the day where 40 Days to Pass the Naplex™ Coaching calls are on, private clients schedule their appointments, and I teach pharmacology to nursing students in the evening. 

  • Wednesdays don’t have a theme. Since I’m out of the office  due to another commitment. 

  • Throwback Thursdays

    • Not like the traditional throwback Thursday. For me, my work day is pushed back to 12 PM instead of 7 AM. Wednesdays can be high energy days so Thursdays are typically low energy days. 

  • Finance Fridays

    •  The math has to be mathing. This is the day where I look at numbers. Not just financial numbers, but how many goals of the week did I accomplished? How many tasks were completed in a project? How many hours did I work and how can I improve for the upcoming week? 

  • Social Saturdays

    • If I’m not hanging out with friends and family, I’m co-working with other business owners. 

As you can see, my week is scheduled out and it has to be balanced. One thing, I realized in pharmacy school…Saving a heavy workload for the weekend wasn’t feasible for me. The weekend is only 2 days (Saturday and Sunday).  I would rather chip away at the tasks hand throughout the week, then complete it all in 2 days. 

This is why the base of my work with clients is having them to cultivate their self-awareness surrounding rest, work, and rewards. Some want to study 7 days a week, others want to study 4 days a week, but doing either of those without a solid foundation is useless and a waste of time and money.

It doesn’t matter to me how many hours or days you studied. The question is did you complete the goal? Did you study all the chapters you were supposed to this week?

Identify your areas of improvement this week…..Make a study schedule that make sense for YOU.

Get the Study Smarter Not Harder, Naplex Training Series to boost your productivity and create a strategic study plan. 

Dr. LaQuita Johnson, PharmD, MPH

I’m a Naplex Success Strategist and Public Health Consultant Pharmacist. I help pharmacists enhance their Naplex performance with ease.

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